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BSEpic as The 13th Badge Winner of Top 40 Indian Photography Blogs by FEEDSPOT

BSEpic - Badge Winning by Feedspot

As the result of our hard work, BSEpic has been announced as the 13th Badge winner of the top 40 Indian Photography blogs by the famous content reader FEEDSPOT. On 8th March 2018, Feedspot has release top 40 Indian Photography Blogs List for the week 10. This list will be filtered from the thousands of top Indian Photography blogs from their index utilizing their search and social metrics. This winning list will be updated once in a week.

Feedspot is the top free online content reader where we can post all our blogs, contents and even news as feed submission. It is the best platform that allows us to read all our preferable and favorite blogs and news from various websites in one place. There is no need for visiting multi-website to read their contents. Feedspot enables the people to discover what is going trendy. The team includes 4 top people: Vineet Agarwal (Founder, Engineering); Anuj Agarwal (Founder, Product); Scott Cook (Biz Dev); and Scott Granados (Networking). They form the strong team with complete knowledge in content reading.

Features of Feedspot:

  1. We can add our favorite Blogs, News websites, RSS Feeds, YouTube Channels and Social sites accounts to our Feedspot account and read new updates from one place.
  2. Using a content reader helps us to keep up with our top information sources – content comes straight to us, saving our time to go and check every site on our own.
  3. Feedspot also keeps track of which items we have read, so we only see the unread items when we come back, even when we login to different devices.

Feedspot chooses the bloggers winning list based on the 4 categories mentioned below:

  1. Google reputation and Google search ranking
  2. Influence and popularity on Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites
  3. Quality and consistency of posts.
  4. Feedspot’s editorial team and expert review

Thanks to Feedspot for choosing our blogs. We take this is our starting point to achieve more badges from your side. Your honourable Badge will boost us to launch more blogs regarding our domain. You have given us the true challenge to stand top in the game. Now we proudly add your Badge to our official site.

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